Basic guidelines for Chess opening.

If you are reading this blog, you probably know how the pieces move in the game of chess. The player with the white pieces always moves first. The opening is generally considered complete when your rooks are connected. There are some basic principles to follow how to play efficiently. We should focus on the development of pieces. Here are top 10 opening rules for good chess opening:
  1. We must attack the center of board. So, OPEN with a CENTER PAWN like e4, d4. While (e4d4e5d5) are generally regarded as the central squares, the same principle can sometimes be extended to the adjacent squares like (c4c5d3d6e3e6f4f5).   
  2. DEVELOP pieces with threats
  3. Always develop your Knights before Bishops. Develop knights to towards the center of board rather than side of board. When the knight is developed in the center, it could attack up to 8 squares. The real reason to develop Knights before Bishops is that Knight are shorter-range pieces, and it will take them a couple of moves to get into a strong or threatening position, while the longer-range Bishops can often find a good post in a single move.
  4. Do not move the same piece more than one time. 
  5. Avoid too many pawns opening at the beginning. Make as FEW PAWN MOVES as possible.
  6. Do not bring out your queen too early. The queen can easily be chased by pawns and minor pieces in the opening. Every time your opponent develops a piece with tempo while you have to move the queen, you fall one tempo behind.
  7. Make king castle as soon as possible. Castling really is very important. Casting connects the rooks but more significantly, it gets the king out of the center, the most active part of the board. If one side is able to ply the center open, the centralized king is in great danger of attack.
  8. Play to gain the center control. Normally, if you control the center, then your pieces have more control over the whole board in general. Thus, a knight centralized on e5 generally controls more important squares than a knight passively placed, say, on a4.
  9. Try to maintain at least ONE PAWN in the center.
  10. DON'T SACRIFICE without a clear and adequate reason.
Blog by Saroj Bhattarai


  1. Yeah, All pieces achieves their optimum power when placed in or near center. So attacking center would be great opening(theoretically).

    But, what if both black and white are trying to control the center. I would love to see answer in further articles.

    1. Thank you for checking my blog! I would love to post about your question on my upcoming blog. :-)

    2. Where is the update/upcoming blog?

  2. Thanks for sharing this idea. Lets hope I could make a better opening now. How about defence? Well we would may not get chance for white always. Waiting for upcoming articles.

    1. I'll try and answer your question in my upcoming posts. Stay tuned and thanks for being here, Sagar!

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